Locked Closets
This song was written for those of us who need to give the key of our locked closets to God. Life is horrible with seceret sin continually bugging us (unfortunately, I learned this the hard way). I also know that it takes a ton of gut to open up to God and say, "I've sinned against You and I want You to do all that it takes to get me back on the right track."
In the dark closet of my mind
Were I would never let anyone go
Some evil things you would find
Giving birth to a monster that would grow
And so I tried to lock it up
Although it hates staying couped up inside
I knew my closet would soon erupt
Spredding that darkness thoughout my mind
This cannot go on
Lord, I hand you the key
That is were it belongs
Now I come so humbly
I thought I'd keep it conceiled
No one around and no one aware
Consequences just didn't seem real
Stuffing more inside wouldn't hurt a hair
But with the guilt daily stabbing my soul
I watched my filth affect those around me
Realizing that my heart had gone cold
I cried a loud, "Oh please forgive me!"
This cannot go on
Lord, I hand you the key
That is where it belongs
Now I come so humbly
This cannot go on
Lord, I hand you the key
Now I sing a new song
Because now I'm finally free
Free of the guilt
Free of the filth
God has stopped this monster of mine
Free of the pain
Free of the shame
God has made my face to shine
Na na na na-na, la la
Na na na na-na, la la
wow...that really makes you think about your daily actions. great song.
(i know a bass player if you ever need one...hehe)
2/2/06 10:45 p.m.
dag, yo... thas pretty coo-el...
3/2/06 6:37 a.m.
that was pretty convicting. Keep it up!
3/2/06 5:44 p.m.
Hey U wanna team up and start a band? That would be so awsome. You Joe me and some cool drummer! I love the song. It got me out of my slump of depressing songs...LOL keep it up.
Alex blake
3/2/06 9:29 p.m.
i would absolutely love to try out the band thing! ...some day
3/2/06 11:19 p.m.
me and sam were thinkin bout that...
4/2/06 8:19 a.m.
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