shall we get high on truth?

lunes, octubre 03, 2005

Is it okay to question our faith?

So I was in my health and fitness class today totally focused on learning all about proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation when it hit me that I really need to post what is on my mind--and its not PNF. It's sort of a reaction to what I've been learning at Ivy Tech and in Dr. Bob Martin's class.

First I must ask this question: Are you being educated or indoctrinated? You might say, "What in the world is 'indoctrinated'?" Put simply, to be indoctrinated is to be taught what to believe. To be educated is to be given the evedence and you make the decision what is true. Hah! You only thought you are becomeing an educated person!

Now, most subjects in elementary and highschool require indoctrination to work out right. For example, you need to be told that 2+2=4. If they let you decide what 2+2 is then we would be confused for the rest of our lives and grades would have no meaning to them. But in usually inderect ways, our teachers are hinting to us what to believe.

In the Christian school we are told to believe in God. In the public school we are told to believe in evolution. Where are the people that will just give us the facts and evidence for and against both views and let us figure it out ourselves? I've had to do this myself this year going from one indoctrination to the other; two completely different world views. Both views contradict each other in an innumerable amount of issues. They can't both be right. Which one is wrong?

Is it okay to question our faith?


Blogger David said...

Well, I actually dont think that indoctrination is required to learn those elementary concepts. If it were, Dr. Martin would be indoctrinating us, because he is teaching similarly basic concepts.

Here is a question for you, isn't little kids Sunday School indoctination? We're telling them how to act and that these stories are true without necesarily telling them why. Is this good or bad? And if it's bad, how ought it be done?

Oh, and I think it is quite all right to question your faith. Just be careful, of course. These things are really quite dangerous. Remember Dr. Martin's words about how some of these concepts are like putting a loaded pistol into the hands of a kid.

15/10/05 9:33 p.m.

Blogger Nata said...

Actually, that is my point. All our life we've been indoctrinated and i believe that it is a good and necesary thing. How many of us would understand the debate between atheism and theism when we were 5, 8, or 12 years old? Did we know enough to make a decision? All i knew was that i was going to trust my parents and pastors.

However, i also strongly believe that there must be a point in our lives where we examine the fork in the road and decide which road we should be taking and why. if we live our lives depending on the indoctrination we've recieved, nothing would be very serious.

it is extremely healthy when you think criticly and discover where all the evidence is pointing and don't let the indoctrination of either side convince you. it has helped me immensly. i am now more excited than ever to share the Truth that i have discovered to be logically true.

15/10/05 10:51 p.m.

Blogger turza said...

It makes me sad how some kids do grow up their whole life indoctrinated, and then decide to turn away. So should we simply not teach children anything and let them come up with an idea themselves? Right, that's why there are somany different theories as to the beginning of the universe. ANd yes, i agree we have all rather been indoctrinated, and it's ok and healthy i'd say to examine the facts for ourselves and decide if this is truly what i believe...etc.

16/10/05 1:50 p.m.

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Questioning what you believe is necessary and a part of maturity. One must struggle through a belief to make it a personal conviction. It is never dangerous to challenge yourself in what you are going to base your life on. But you must choose to believe truth and not what man has invented in his finite mind. Building truth foundations with our children from their infancy is a command given to parents. Most parents lean to one side of an issue because this is the position they wish their child to take. Ultimately the choice is up to the individual. Choose carefully!

17/10/05 8:40 a.m.

Blogger yoshi said...

heres my twobits - many godly men in the bible questioned their fiath, role, and purpose. hey, even Jesus questioned God when He was in the garden of gethsamanie. but when we are young we must be given a certian amount of indoctrination, as it says in the good book, "train up a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." that seems kinda like indoctrination. i think that when we go off to college, that i when the real teaching begins, especially if we go to a secular college. anyway... thats all for now.

17/10/05 8:20 p.m.


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