Change can be a healthy thing for the human soul. I’ve gone through many pretty dramatic changes through out my life of which I am so thankful for. It’s been such a blessing going back and forth between countries and living in several locations. But I think the biggest change for me has just recently happened: college. I call it the “Bubble Buster”.
For most of my childhood I was in a bubble that kept me from experiencing most of the world around me. One month before I turned four, my parents and I packed our belongings and moved to Mexico City, Mexico where we would be missionaries for many years to come. I can understand why my parents would home school me considering they were a young couple with a young son in the third largest city in the world. I’ve been home schooled my whole life except for third grade, eighth grade, senior year, and this year. This resulted in many, many hours alone at my desk, where just my books and my imagination existed.
Then another dramatic change placed my life two thousand miles away from home. I came here, to Lafayette, for my Senior year of high school and prepare for college. All of a sudden, I was starting all over again. But even then I was still in a bubble. It may have grown but the school I went to was a Christian high school and I was once again secluded from the world around me. I was surrounded by kids who call themselves Christians and everything I did was a Christian activity.
But now it’s happened. I decided to experience the public school. I allowed my bubble to be popped and the things I have learned have changed my view of the world. It takes something very powerful to change a person’s view of the world and just walking out of my Christian bubble has been a very powerful experience for me.
After just a few days of going to Ivy Tech, I was hit with the realization that there really is criticism of the Bible. Although I had always known this to be true, I guess I had to see it for myself to fully understand it. My eyes have been opened to what life could be like without moral law. I started asking myself questions such as, “What is the possibility that I just so happened to be born in a family that believed the truth?” and “ What is the possibility that the Christian life is keeping me from truly living life?” So I began my quest for truth.
Searching for truth can be similar to searching for a star in the daylight. We search and search through the blue sky just to find one speck of light but we can’t seem to find anything. Just stepping out of my bubble wasn’t going to be enough to find the truth. I have started to study several different topics such as the reliability of the Bible and evidence of God’s existence in science and psychology.
Everything I learned has been interesting but it didn’t satisfy me. I still felt like a lost child searching for my father who I had never met. There were still so many questions that might take years to find the answer. Would I be stuck in this state of mind for that long? That would be a nightmare! Thankfully, I found the answer I was looking for; I found the light in the blue sky. It ended up being right in front of my nose all along, kind of like the sun.
Just a couple weeks ago I went to church on Sunday and realized how different the atmosphere was there than that at college. Most of the people at my church gather there to not only to learn about what God wants us to do, but to thank Him and praise Him for what He has done in their lives. As I sang worship songs that Sunday, I realized that the best evidence of God’s existence is in the changed lives of those who have committed their lives to following Him.
Search as far as you want but you won’t find anything like the committed Christian. With God’s help, he is lifted when he falls, he smiles even through trial, he is truly free even under divine law, and he accepts the needy with arms open wide. His life shines with purpose and a sense of belonging and when the spotlight just so happens to fall on him, he points towards heaven. Nothing else in life can bring more satisfaction and fulfillment.
Away from my family, I discovered a world that is divided, broken, and hopeless. I took what I learned there and added it to what I learned in my bubble and it all resulted in a greater appreciation for my faith. God isn’t a rule maker that likes to keep me from having fun in life. Instead, He is the source of true freedom, guiltless pleasure, unbelievable strength, gentile comfort, and eternal hope.
He is alive and He wants to wipe the dirt and tears of this world from our faces. May we accept His warm embrace and may we look forward to a future full of unexplainable love.
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21/9/05 3:41 p.m.
Good stuff...
21/9/05 9:43 p.m.
ya know, i really needed to read that. thanks a lot. it was very encouraging.
21/9/05 10:31 p.m.
sorry guys, I wrote this for an English paper and didn't realize how long it was. I've tried taking out a couple paragraphs but it's no letting me.
24/9/05 1:15 p.m.
maybe you could do it in shifts. ya now, a couple paragraphs now, a few later. i honestly didn't mind the length. it gave me something to thoroughly think about. kepe it up, hobre!
24/9/05 9:54 p.m.
yippee, i did it! now it's a little bit shorter.
26/9/05 4:42 p.m.
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