shall we get high on truth?

domingo, octubre 23, 2005

Crazy by Mercy Me

For a couple years this has been one of my favorite songs in the world! I never get tiered of hearing it.

Why would I spend my life longing
For the day that it would end?
Why would I spend my time pointing
To another man?
Isn't that crazy?

How can find hope in dieing
With promises unseen?
How can I learn your way is better
Then everything I'm taught to be?
Isn't that crazy?

I have not been called
To the wisdom of this world
But to a God who's calling out to me
And even though the world may say
I'm loosing touch with reality
It would be crazy to choose this world
Over eternity

And if I boast let me boast
In filthy rags made clean
If I glory let me glory
In my Savior's suffering
Isn't that crazy?

And as I live this daily life
I trust you for everything
And I will only take a step
When I feel you are leading me
Isn't that crazy?

I have not been called
To the wisdom of this world
But to a God who's calling out to me
And even though the world may say
I'm loosing touch with reality
It would be crazy to choose this world
Over eternity

You can call me crazy...

lunes, octubre 03, 2005

Is it okay to question our faith?

So I was in my health and fitness class today totally focused on learning all about proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation when it hit me that I really need to post what is on my mind--and its not PNF. It's sort of a reaction to what I've been learning at Ivy Tech and in Dr. Bob Martin's class.

First I must ask this question: Are you being educated or indoctrinated? You might say, "What in the world is 'indoctrinated'?" Put simply, to be indoctrinated is to be taught what to believe. To be educated is to be given the evedence and you make the decision what is true. Hah! You only thought you are becomeing an educated person!

Now, most subjects in elementary and highschool require indoctrination to work out right. For example, you need to be told that 2+2=4. If they let you decide what 2+2 is then we would be confused for the rest of our lives and grades would have no meaning to them. But in usually inderect ways, our teachers are hinting to us what to believe.

In the Christian school we are told to believe in God. In the public school we are told to believe in evolution. Where are the people that will just give us the facts and evidence for and against both views and let us figure it out ourselves? I've had to do this myself this year going from one indoctrination to the other; two completely different world views. Both views contradict each other in an innumerable amount of issues. They can't both be right. Which one is wrong?

Is it okay to question our faith?