shall we get high on truth?

domingo, diciembre 23, 2007

?'s That Dig At The Cracks In My Brain

~in the comments please post your own brain-digging ?'s~

Is it possible to do anything without some selfish motive? If there was no promise of rewards, would I care? Does my commitment depend on future rewards? Was I made to live for rewards?

Can I make any decisions that aren´t affected by my past? Do my past decisions and disciplines determine my present and future? How much free will do I really have? Does it lessen or increase over time?

Did God give man the ability to create something that He hasn´t created? Wouldn´t that still count as God creating it?

Why did God use war to conquer the Promise Land just like all the other nations would? What are God´s ethics on violence? When should the present day Christian use physical violence, if ever?

What happens inside electrons? What happens inside what´s inside electrons? Does it go on forever?

If I don´t have a soul, then what do you call that energy that keeps me concious and alive?

If we took a telescope to the farthest star we can see from earth, would we find more stars beyond that? Is the universe one of many others all revolving inside a mega universe? Is the mega universe revolving inside the ultra universe? Does it go on forever?

If the universe started colapsing at a much faster speed than it was expanding, would we see twice as many stars in the sky? What if half of the stars we see today are already colapsing?

Doesn´t the progress of gene isolation cause disease and illness and deformites as opposed to benefitial macro evolution?

Must a street kid living in Mexico City know that Jesus died on the cross for his sins in order for him or her to be saved? Does ignorance equal innocence? Will the ignorant go to heaven? Is absolute ignorance of God possible?

Did Jesus have to die on the cross because God decided that it would be the only way to pay for our sins?

How different does God want my art to be from the world? Does He want me to borrow from successful secular styles and methods?

Does patience ever have to last forever for those who love God?

If the Bible isn´t true, how did the ancient Jews widely accept the Bible as true history? Wouldn´t the evidence of the land and people give it away?

Will we use technology in heaven? Will we continue to improve on it so that we can travel to the stars in the ultra universe and see inside what's inside an electron?

Will our heavenly bodies be organic to the point that we can break skin and bleed? If so, then will dismembered body parts grow back?

Will we get to experience God´s creation of additional worlds and dimensions in the future?

How many times a day does God laugh at my plans?

Is it better to die in the middle of the best of times or live through the worst of times?

Are unanswered questions the sign of a skeptic or an open mind?


Blogger Jonathan Haynie said...

Good questions... I might have answers for some of them someday.

I also think that the answers for some of your questions are contained within the questions. Go back and read them with your logic cap on and you'll see the ones I'm talking about.

And some of those we simply don't know yet.

And unanswered questions are the sign of an open and willing mind, but that mind must be careful not to automatically accept the first answer that comes along. Make sure of the source of that answers' truth first.

My great question is... why do Christian colleges charge so much, knowing that they are sending the next generation of ministers into ministry... AND DEBT??? That's my only burning question for now, but it doesn't really need an answer... God will provide for the needs of his ministers.

25/12/07 9:21 p.m.

Blogger Jonathan Haynie said...

I have come up with a wonderful display of logic and truth combined on my latest post. Come read it!

31/12/07 5:24 p.m.


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