shall we get high on truth?

domingo, noviembre 19, 2006

It's National Siesta Week!

I know you are dieing to read the rest of D E L I V E R A N C E but I'm afraid this is the intermission. I'm taking the week off and giving you time catch up on reading if you need to do so. Just to let you know, this is where the story really heats up! Chapter F o u r is pretty much all non-stop action. Then Chapter F i v e is the dramatic aftermath of F o u r. Finally, the last and explosive chapter is definetly a must see... or, rather, a must read. Yes, I do sound proud of my work but how else am I going to get you lazy people to read if I don't make it sound like something great?

Enjoy Thanksgiving and do something for me: Be an encouragment all those Grandpeoples, Parents, Siblings, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Second Cousins, 127.5th Cousins, and those Friends of yours!


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hey, yeah, I finally read DELIVERANCE. Well, at least what there is of it. I remember that part of the Bible. Personally, I love the story of David and that whole era of Bible history and it's really cool to see one of my favorite stories come to life in novella form. I'm anxiously looking forward to the last half of it.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, too. It's gonna be pretty sweet and simple, just my family at home, but still nice.

And you should totally come over on Wednesday afternoon, my bro and I are maybe gonna watch a movie and we can jam then, too. Email me with your thoughts on that.

20/11/06 9:43 a.m.

Blogger David said...

No episode this week! I'm going to be grumpy all week long now!

Okay, I lied, I won't be grumpy. But I am looking forward to next week's edition.

20/11/06 11:49 a.m.

Blogger Jonathan Haynie said...

I have acquired my blogger account. Now we can blog together!

24/11/06 5:00 p.m.


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