shall we get high on truth?

miércoles, septiembre 27, 2006

Looking Ahead... Again

So… long time no post, eh? I know, but I have been diligently working hard to keep up with my hardcore classes. However, in the mean time I’ve been getting lots of inspiration and ideas. I have to write a lot for some of my classes such as Philosophy of Religion and Social Problems. A lot of the ideas that I have to write about in those classes are definitely worth posting. I’ve also been getting a little inspiration from my super hard Biology class as far as epistemology goes. And from my Wednesday night class at church I’ve been doing some thinking on the purpose of the church. I’ve already talked about my ideas with some close friends and (not too much to my surprise) they didn’t agree with me. So a future post will be an argument for my position and I’m totally psyched about that one!
So soon you will see new focus back in the business of popping out award-winning posts. And believe me, some of them will be groundbreaking!
I also wanted to take this time to make a small announcement for the biggest and most awesome thing to happen here at new focus! But that’s all I’m going to say about it for now. I don’t want to give too much away to my competitors. Soon you will find an official advertisement posted here but for now I wanted to leave you with the anticipation of one of the greatest things ever to happen to the internet. Make sure to tell your family and friends all about the hugely important mysterious event that is about to happen here within a matter of weeks! Or maybe a month or so because it isn’t quite finished.
Until then, enjoy the fact that we are already over a third of the way through the semester.


Blogger kiwi said...

yay, u finally's about time! sounds like you're taking some pretty challenging classes this semester. i'm taking a bunch of tough classes but thankfully they don't include writing many papers! brass tech is definately my hardest class! trumpet is soooo much harder than it looks. that reminds me, i have to do lab teaching tomorrow...hmmm, that will be interesting! i will now end my ranting! lo siento! have a grantastic week/weekend : )

27/9/06 11:37 p.m.


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